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Learner Intake Form

Please fill out this form if you know of, or are, an elder and/or a survivor, who is interested in participating in The Literacy Circle program. We offer literacy skills of reading and writing English, as well as learning opportunities through field trips and computer literacy course.


We provide a friendly learning environment that builds the confidence of Learners, which enhances and expands relationships with the world around them by breaking down literacy barriers.

Teacher and/or Learners' Advocate Intake Form

The Literacy Circle is seeking certified/licensed, working or retired teachers.  

TLC also seeks people interested in advocacy work as The Learners’ Advocate.  This role welcomes learners, serves lunch and tea and is always listening for how to be of service to learners and teachers.  Light experience with Google Drive/Docs/Sheets is beneficial. 


 We are offering teachers and learners’ advocates an honorarium plus lunch.


After filling out this form, you may be contacted by The Literacy Circle Society for an interview. 

Community Involvement

If you are interested in volunteering for fundraising or getting involved in the Literacy Circle program, please fill out this form.  Also, if you sign up for our irregular newsletter, you will get all the news right to your email inbox!

Become a Sponsor!

Contact us if your business, community or association wants to be involved in the Literacy Circle.

The Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action are being brought to life by these generous funders and partners:


Thank you to the volunteers

Cassandra Carter

Caitlin Croteau

Dolores Gottenberg

Susan Merritt

Maureen Robinson

Jerry Silver

Nadine Wiepning

Thank you to our Donors

Chelsey Branch

Vida Foubister and Family

Bob Colclough

Matthew Payne

Adrienne Holierhoek

Kelly McLaren

James Leard

Doug Savory

Amanda Lince

Kate Lancaster

Jane Heyman

D Michael Dobbin

Darren Hill

Kate Wallace

Mary Desprez

Cheryl Ward

Patti Allan

Laurie Harding

Joy Dube

Laurie Harding

Sarah Hilliard

Mercedes Calvert

Karen Grigor

Joanne Gemmill

Wendy Noel

Colleen Storch

Marlis Bartscher

Susan Elrington

Karen Russell

Judi Malcolm

The Babbling Books Book          Club

Nanaimo Museum

The Port Theatre